BSD Certification Exam Beta - Brazil
September 27, 2007 - The BSD Certification Group Inc. and I3C TI ( are pleased to announce the availability of the beta for the upcoming BSDA certification exam in Natal/RN, Brazil. The beta will be held at the I3C TI office on Sunday, October 7th at 15:00 hrs (2:00 pm, BRT).
I3C TI - Soluções em Open Source
Av Romualdo Galvão, 1981, 1o. Andar
Lagoa Nova, Natal/RN
Referência: proximo ao Midway Mall - Trecho, entre Av Bernado Vieira e Rua Antonio Basilio
Pre-Registration is Required:
Preregister at
Bring a piece of photo ID with you to the exam.
There are a limited number of seats. If you pre-register and find you are unable to attend, please email Dru (her address will be in the registration confirmation email) so your seat can be made available to someone else.
Who can participate in the beta?
The intended audience of the BSDA exam is junior level administrators of BSD systems. If you are a working sysadmin with some experience on BSD systems, an instructor who teaches system administration and/or BSD systems, or someone with at least 6 months experience in using BSD systems, you can assist the BSD Certification Group by participating in the beta. We suggest that you skim through the BSDA Exam Objectives to familiarize yourself with the type of material being tested. The objectives are available for download from BSD Cert Site.
What will the beta exam be like?
- The beta exam is available in English only.
- The beta exam will contain 120 - 150 multiple choice questions.
- The beta exam will be paper based. This means that the questions are in a question booklet. Exam takers will need to shade in the appropriate answer box on a separate answer sheet.
- A three hour time slot will be available for the beta; it is expected that 60 to 90 minutes will be sufficient time for most beta testers to complete the exam.
What benefits do beta testers receive?
NOTE: Beta exam takers who pass the beta exam will NOT become BSDA certified once the beta period ends. The purpose of a beta exam is to gather the necessary metrics to validate an examination, meaning beta exam questions may not yet fairly reflect the skills being certified. Beta testers will receive their score report via email approximately 6-8 weeks after the beta period is finished.
Beta exam takers will receive the following benefits:
- The opportunity to take the beta exam free of charge.
- 50% off the price of the BSDA exam once it is available.
- A copy of the most recent version of the BSDA DVD.
- The opportunity to assist the BSDCG and the psychometrician in ensuring the validity of the upcoming BSDA exam.
If you still have any further doubts, please send us a message to (portuguese language is OK).